TNFD reporting in action – Insights from the Asset Management Industry

Hear from asset managers who have already pulished TNFD-aligned reports

In this webinar, organisations that have recently published a TNFD report shared unique TNFD reporting insights.

Whereas climate has become an established part of organisations’ sustainability reporting, nature reports aligned with TNFD are only now being released, following the publication of the final TNFD recommendations in September 2023.

Representing four asset managers, the panellists have shared their experiences with starting on and publishing TNFD-aligned disclosures, including: practical concerns associated with nature reporting, the internal motivations and resourcing needed, insights into obstacles and how they surpassed those, and the benefits of starting now.

Key focus areas of this webinar

  • Showcase early TNFD disclosure in public reports to demonstrate how TNFD reporting is already feasible, material, relevant, and decision-useful.
  • Demonstrate the relevance and materiality of TNFD disclosures to investors and businesses.
  • Provide examples of integrating climate and nature reporting and how companies are restructuring their integrated reports to align with the TCFD and TNFD frameworks.
  • Help build capacity and enable further adoption of TNFD recommendations.


  • Flora Gaber, Manager ESG Analysis, AP7
  • Åsa Mossberg  Communication and Sustainability, AP2
  • Ingrid Kukuljan, Head of Impact and Sustainable Investing- Executive Director, Federated Hermes
  • Brandon Lewis, Senior Director, Sustainability, Timberland and Agriculture, Manulife Investment Management

Hosted by

Emily has significant experience on integrating nature in policy, finance, economics and decision-making. Prior to joining TNFD in November 2021, she led the analytical team that produced the global Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity, based at the UK Economics and Finance Ministry.

Emily was previously seconded to the Capitals Coalition where she helped develop the Natural Capital Protocol in its Technical Group.

Emily worked for a decade in the WWF Global Science team, where she helped establish and lead the Natural Capital Project at Stanford University, helping decision-makers apply InVEST – leading ecosystem service modelling software. While at WWF, she supported The Coca Cola Company and Guggenheim Partners to consider dependencies and impacts on nature, and sustainability standards.

She helped design the Environmental Land Management scheme in England – a major national agricultural subsidy reform programme – based at the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Other previous roles included establishing environmental economics programmes at the Joint Nature Conservation Committee and the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission as an Overseas Development Institute Fellow.

She holds Masters degrees in International Policy from Stanford University and Economics at the University of Cambridge.

Based in London, Emily speaks English, and basic Bislama, Fijian, German and French.


Floragaber 1

Flora Gaber
Manager ESG Analysis, AP7

Blewis Pic1

Brandon Lewis
Senior Director, Sustainability, Timberland and Agriculture, Manulife Investment Management 

Lågupplöst Åsa Mossberg 1 (1)

Åsa Mossberg
Communication and Sustainability, AP2

Ingrid Low Res (1)

Ingrid Kukuljan
Head of Impact and Sustainable Investing- Executive Director, Federated Hermes