Back to Tools Catalogue Home » Tools Catalogue1st Geospatial Copilot from Maya Climate Maya Climate Maya is an AI-powered Geospatial Copilot that automates geospatial data analysis and visualization for TNFD reporting and other nature-related disclosures. At Maya, we are revolutionising how businesses incorporate geospatial data into their decision-making process to drive value creation. By combining geospatial intelligence with AI, we aim to make geospatial data more accessible for every organisation. Maya gives access to a large number of datasets relevant to TNFD reporting, including Land Use and Land Cover (LULC), biodiversity, climate risks, and demographics. Check out our catalog for an overview, Maya makes it easy to upload thousands of individual sites and run analyses on those. Maya’s AI functionality will generate contextual reports that interpret the findings of each dataset for your site. The reports can include maps, charts, and text. Maya’s Geospatial Copilot allows you to Locate all of the sites you want to screen Assess these sites with ready-to-use analysis jobs from Maya’s catalog Report on your nature-related risks with custom report builder Book a demo of our TNFD solution here: Visit Tool Explore this tool's alignment to sectors, biomes and LEAP Please note: visualisations are updated daily View as text LEAP Phases covered Locate the interface with natureBusiness footprintNature interfacePrioritisation according to the integrity and importance of relevant ecosystemsIdentification of priority nature-risk locations by sector, business unit or value chainEvaluate priority dependencies and impactsIdentification of relevant environmental assets and ecosystem services by priority locationIdentification of dependencies and impacts by priority locationDependency analysisImpact analysisAssess material risks and opportunitiesRisk and opportunity identificationRisk and opportunity materiality assessmentPrepare to respond and reportTarget setting & performance managementReportingPresentation Biome(s) OceanMaritime vegetationArtificial shorelinesArtificial marine systemsBrackish tidal systemsSubterranean cave and rock systemsShoreline systemsCoastal inlets and lagoonsLandTropical-subtropical forestsTemperate-boreal forests and woodlandsShrublands and shrubby woodlandsSavannas and grasslandsDeserts and semi-desertsPolar-alpineIntensive land-use systemsArtificial subterranean spacesFreshwaterVegetated wetlandsRivers and streamsLakesArtificial wetlandsSubterranean freshwaters View as interactive sunburst graph Are you the tool owner and looking to make a correction or add additional information to this tool? Submit an update