Back to Tools Catalogue Home » Tools CatalogueDunya Analytics Dunya Analytics offers a digital platform that makes it easy for companies to measure nature-related financial risks in line with the TNFD framework. Based on the best available science and built for ESG and risk managers, the platform uses basic operational data provided by firms to assess their impacts and dependencies on nature, including biodiversity, ecosystem use, water use, and pollution, and provides risk results in actionable financial terms. Moreover, the platform identifies opportunities to reduce risk and capture market opportunities in the transition to a sustainable economy. Visit Tool Explore this tool's alignment to sectors, biomes and LEAP Please note: visualisations are updated daily View as text LEAP Phases covered Locate the interface with natureBusiness footprintNature interfacePrioritisation according to the integrity and importance of relevant ecosystemsIdentification of priority nature-risk locations by sector, business unit or value chainPrepare to respond and reportStrategy and resource allocationsTarget setting & performance managementReportingPresentationEvaluate priority dependencies and impactsIdentification of relevant environmental assets and ecosystem services by priority locationIdentification of dependencies and impacts by priority locationDependency analysisImpact analysisAssess material risks and opportunitiesAcknowledgement of current nature-related risk management effortsAdditional risk mitigation and risk and opportunity managementRisk and opportunity materiality assessmentRisk and opportunity identification Sector(s) Financial institutions, service providers and Investment managersCorporate & Retail BankingCommercial BanksInsuranceInsuranceHealth Care & Medical technologyBiotechnology & PharmaceuticalsBiotechnology & PharmaceuticalsHealth Care RetailDrug RetailersMedical TechnologyMedical Equipment & SuppliesConsulting, Business, & Environmental ServicesHospitality & RecreationCasinos & GamingHotels & LodgingLeisure FacilitiesResource Transformation & Industrial ProcessesChemicalsChemicalsIndustrialsIndustrial Machinery & GoodsAerospace & DefenseContainers & PackagingElectrical & Electronic EquipmentRT-EEAgriculture, Food & BeveragesBeverageAlcoholic BeveragesNon-Alcoholic BeveragesFood & Beverage RetailFood Retailers & DistributorsRestaurantsRestaurantsFoodProcessed FoodsAgricultural ProductsMeat & Poultry & DairyTobaccoTobaccoMeat ProductsFisheriesAquacultureLivestockRenewable & Alternative Energy DevelopmentForestry & PaperForestry ManagementPulp & Paper ProductsAlternative EnergySolar Technology & Project DevelopersWind Technology & Project DevelopersBiofuelsFuel Cells & Industrial BatteriesTechnology, Communications & ITInternet Media & ServicesInternet Media & ServicesSemiconductorsSemiconductorsTelecommunicationsTelecommunication ServicesTechnologyElectronic Manufacturing Services & Original Design ManufacturingHardwareSoftware & IT ServicesTransportationAutomobilesAutomobilesAuto PartsCar Rental & LeasingMarine TransportationCruise LinesMarine TransportationAir TransportationAirlinesAir Freight & LogisticsLand TransportationRoad TransportationRail TransportationConsumer GoodsApparel & TextilesApparel, Accessories & FootwearConsumer Discretionary ProductsAppliance ManufacturingBuilding Products & FurnishingsHousehold & Personal ProductsToys & Sporting GoodsConsumer Goods RetailMultiline and Specialty Retailers & DistributorsE-commerceEnergy Extractives, Mining & Minerals ProcessingCoalCoal OperationsConstruction MaterialsConstruction MaterialsMetals & MiningIron & Steel ProducersMetals & MiningOil & GasOil & Gas - ServicesOil & Gas - Exploration & ProductionOil & Gas - MidstreamOil & Gas - Refining & MarketingInfrastructure, Energy Utilities & Real EstateUtilitiesElectric Utilities & Power GeneratorsCoal/Fuel/Gas PowerNuclear PowerWind PowerSolar PowerHydro PowerGas Utilities & DistributorsWater Utilities & ServicesReal EstateHomebuildersReal EstateReal Estate ServicesWaste ManagementWaste ManagementInfrastructureEngineering & Construction Services Biome(s) FreshwaterVegetated wetlandsRivers and streamsLakesArtificial wetlandsSubterranean freshwatersArtificial subterranean freshwatersLandTropical-subtropical forestsTemperate-boreal forests and woodlandsShrublands and shrubby woodlandsSavannas and grasslandsDeserts and semi-desertsPolar-alpineIntensive land-use systemsArtificial subterranean spacesOceanMarine shelvesBrackish tidal systemsOpen ocean watersSubterranean cave and rock systemsDeep sea floorsArtificial marine systemsSubterranean tidalShoreline systemsMaritime vegetationCoastal inlets and lagoonsArtificial shorelines View as interactive sunburst graph Are you the tool owner and looking to make a correction or add additional information to this tool? Submit an update