Home » Tools CatalogueCommon Guidance for the Identification of High Conservation Values HCV Network A good practice guide for identifying high conservation values (HCVs) across different ecosystems and production systems. Available in English, Indonesian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Wu Chinese, Russian and Burmese. An HCV is a biological, ecological, social, or cultural value of outstanding significance or critical importance. This suite of values includes rare, threatened, or endangered habitats and ecosystems, large landscape scale ecosystems, and intact forest landscapes, and nature’s contribution to people. A good quality HCV assessment must interpret findings using a precautionary approach, quality stakeholder consultation, with consideration of the wider landscape and the scale, intensity and risk of the proposed development. Section 1 introduces the six HCV definitions and provides an overview of the HCV approach. It focuses on how the HCV approach can be applied across ecosystems, commodity production schemes and geographies. Some general information is provided on how the HCV approach can be adapted for use in different ecosystems with a focus on forests, grasslands and freshwater systems. Next, attention is given to how some of the most common certification schemes are including the HCV approach and finally, how HCVs can be adapted to the country level with HCV National Interpretations. Section 2 goes beyond the HCV definitions to consider their intent and what assessors should consider when interpreting HCV information and deciding upon HCV designations. It provides good practice guidance on how to determine the amount of information and consultation needed. Visit Tool Explore this tool's alignment to sectors, biomes and LEAP Please note: visualisations are updated daily View as text LEAP Phases covered Locate the interface with natureBusiness footprintNature interfacePrioritisation according to the integrity and importance of relevant ecosystemsIdentification of priority nature-risk locations by sector, business unit or value chainEvaluate priority dependencies and impactsIdentification of relevant environmental assets and ecosystem services by priority locationAssess material risks and opportunitiesRisk and opportunity identificationPrepare to respond and reportStrategy and resource allocationsTarget setting & performance managementReportingPresentation Sector(s) Financial institutions, service providers and Investment managersCapital MarketsAsset Management & Custody ActivitiesInvestment Banking & BrokerageCorporate & Retail BankingCommercial BanksRenewable & Alternative Energy DevelopmentAlternative EnergyBiofuelsForestry & PaperForestry ManagementConsumer GoodsApparel & TextilesApparel, Accessories & FootwearConsumer Discretionary ProductsBuilding Products & FurnishingsHousehold & Personal ProductsAgriculture, Food & BeveragesMeat ProductsAquacultureLivestockFoodAgricultural ProductsEnergy Extractives, Mining & Minerals ProcessingMetals & Mining Biome(s) LandTropical-subtropical forestsShrublands and shrubby woodlandsSavannas and grasslandsFreshwaterLakesVegetated wetlandsRivers and streams View as interactive sunburst graph Are you the tool owner and looking to make a correction or add additional information to this tool? Submit an update