Home » Tools CatalogueBloomberg Available on the Bloomberg Terminal and via Data License, Bloomberg’s offering combines trusted datasets on company revenue segmentation, supply chains and asset locations with nature and biodiversity-related geospatial data. The insights provided include: percentage of company revenue in high nature-risk sectors, involvement in commodities associated with deforestation, percentage of assets in pristine areas, exposure to areas with water stress, and management of nature-related risks such as governance and policies, sustainable sourcing of natural commodities, as well as pollution, waste and water management practices. Visit Tool Case study: Nature and Biodiversity: How Bloomberg provides insights to assess nature-related impacts This case study has been prepared by the tool provider as an illustrative example of the tools application to the TNFD recommendations and guidance. The TNFD had not endorsed this case study. Download Explore this tool's alignment to sectors, biomes and LEAP Please note: visualisations are updated daily View as text LEAP Phases covered Locate the interface with natureBusiness footprintNature interfaceIdentification of priority nature-risk locations by sector, business unit or value chainEvaluate priority dependencies and impactsIdentification of dependencies and impacts by priority locationDependency analysisImpact analysisIdentification of relevant environmental assets and ecosystem services by priority locationAssess material risks and opportunitiesRisk and opportunity identificationAcknowledgement of current nature-related risk management effortsAdditional risk mitigation and risk and opportunity managementRisk and opportunity materiality assessmentPrepare to respond and reportReportingPresentation Sector(s) Resource Transformation & Industrial ProcessesIndustrialsAerospace & DefenseContainers & PackagingElectrical & Electronic EquipmentRT-EEIndustrial Machinery & GoodsChemicalsChemicalsRenewable & Alternative Energy DevelopmentAlternative EnergyBiofuelsFuel Cells & Industrial BatteriesSolar Technology & Project DevelopersWind Technology & Project DevelopersForestry & PaperForestry ManagementPulp & Paper ProductsHealth Care & Medical technologyMedical TechnologyMedical Equipment & SuppliesBiotechnology & PharmaceuticalsBiotechnology & PharmaceuticalsHealth Care RetailDrug RetailersHealth Care ProvidersHealth Care DeliveryHealth Care DistributorsManaged CareConsumer GoodsConsumer Goods RetailMultiline and Specialty Retailers & DistributorsE-commerceApparel & TextilesApparel, Accessories & FootwearConsumer Discretionary ProductsHousehold & Personal ProductsToys & Sporting GoodsAppliance ManufacturingBuilding Products & FurnishingsInfrastructure, Energy Utilities & Real EstateInfrastructureEngineering & Construction ServicesUtilitiesSolar PowerHydro PowerGas Utilities & DistributorsWater Utilities & ServicesElectric Utilities & Power GeneratorsCoal/Fuel/Gas PowerNuclear PowerWind PowerReal EstateHomebuildersReal EstateReal Estate ServicesWaste ManagementWaste ManagementEnergy Extractives, Mining & Minerals ProcessingOil & GasOil & Gas - Exploration & ProductionOil & Gas - MidstreamOil & Gas - Refining & MarketingOil & Gas - ServicesCoalCoal OperationsConstruction MaterialsConstruction MaterialsMetals & MiningIron & Steel ProducersMetals & MiningFinancial institutions, service providers and Investment managersCorporate & Retail BankingCommercial BanksConsumer FinanceMortgage FinanceInsuranceInsuranceCapital MarketsInvestment Banking & BrokerageSecurity & Commodity ExchangesSovereign Wealth FundPension FundAsset Management & Custody ActivitiesAgriculture, Food & BeveragesMeat ProductsFisheriesAquacultureLivestockBeverageAlcoholic BeveragesNon-Alcoholic BeveragesFood & Beverage RetailFood Retailers & DistributorsRestaurantsRestaurantsFoodMeat & Poultry & DairyProcessed FoodsAgricultural ProductsTobaccoTobaccoConsulting, Business, & Environmental ServicesHospitality & RecreationCasinos & GamingHotels & LodgingLeisure FacilitiesConsumer ServicesEducationProfessional & Commercial ServicesMediaAdvertising & MarketingMedia & EntertainmentTechnology, Communications & ITInternet Media & ServicesInternet Media & ServicesSemiconductorsSemiconductorsTelecommunicationsTelecommunication ServicesTechnologyElectronic Manufacturing Services & Original Design ManufacturingHardwareSoftware & IT ServicesTransportationAir TransportationAirlinesAir Freight & LogisticsAutomobilesAutomobilesAuto PartsCar Rental & LeasingMarine TransportationCruise LinesMarine TransportationLand TransportationRail TransportationRoad Transportation Biome(s) LandPolar-alpineIntensive land-use systemsArtificial subterranean spacesTropical-subtropical forestsTemperate-boreal forests and woodlandsShrublands and shrubby woodlandsSavannas and grasslandsDeserts and semi-deserts View as interactive sunburst graph Are you the tool owner and looking to make a correction or add additional information to this tool? 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