Home » Tools CatalogueBiodiversity Valuator Endangered Wildlife OÜ The Biodiversity Valuator uniquely calculates a credible and justifiable financial value of individual species or richness in specific locations. As such, it facilitates the integration of biodiversity directly into the decision-making and reporting processes in a simple and understandable manner. It calculates real financial values that can be used directly in financial analysis, investment decision-making, risk and opportunity assessment, and for the determination of Biodiversity ROI. It thereby brings biodiversity closer to finance, making biodiversity more accessible to internal and external stakeholders. The tool is currently available as a consulting service but the AI-driven SaaS option is already under development along with the Biodiversity Database, which is revolutionising biodiversity for business by bringing transparency and knowledge to the industry. It is breaking boundaries in terms of biodiversity information availability – delivering access to regional species level data. Visit Tool Case study: Biodiversity in Financial Analysis for Decision-Making Whitepaper This case study has been prepared by the tool provider as an illustrative example of the tools application to the TNFD recommendations and guidance. The TNFD had not endorsed this case study. Download Explore this tool's alignment to sectors, biomes and LEAP Please note: visualisations are updated daily View as text LEAP Phases covered Locate the interface with naturePrioritisation according to the integrity and importance of relevant ecosystemsIdentification of priority nature-risk locations by sector, business unit or value chainEvaluate priority dependencies and impactsIdentification of dependencies and impacts by priority locationDependency analysisImpact analysisIdentification of relevant environmental assets and ecosystem services by priority locationAssess material risks and opportunitiesRisk and opportunity identificationAdditional risk mitigation and risk and opportunity managementRisk and opportunity materiality assessmentPrepare to respond and reportReportingPresentationStrategy and resource allocationsTarget setting & performance management Sector(s) Resource Transformation & Industrial ProcessesChemicalsChemicalsTransportationMarine TransportationCruise LinesMarine TransportationAir TransportationAirlinesAir Freight & LogisticsAutomobilesCar Rental & LeasingAutomobilesAuto PartsLand TransportationRail TransportationRoad TransportationRenewable & Alternative Energy DevelopmentForestry & PaperForestry ManagementPulp & Paper ProductsAlternative EnergyWind Technology & Project DevelopersBiofuelsFuel Cells & Industrial BatteriesSolar Technology & Project DevelopersHealth Care & Medical technologyBiotechnology & PharmaceuticalsBiotechnology & PharmaceuticalsConsumer GoodsConsumer Goods RetailMultiline and Specialty Retailers & DistributorsE-commerceApparel & TextilesApparel, Accessories & FootwearConsumer Discretionary ProductsBuilding Products & FurnishingsHousehold & Personal ProductsToys & Sporting GoodsAppliance ManufacturingEnergy Extractives, Mining & Minerals ProcessingMetals & MiningIron & Steel ProducersMetals & MiningOil & GasOil & Gas - Exploration & ProductionOil & Gas - MidstreamOil & Gas - Refining & MarketingOil & Gas - ServicesCoalCoal OperationsConstruction MaterialsConstruction MaterialsConsulting, Business, & Environmental ServicesConsumer ServicesEducationProfessional & Commercial ServicesEnvironmental and Sustainability ServicesHospitality & RecreationLeisure FacilitiesCasinos & GamingHotels & LodgingFinancial institutions, service providers and Investment managersCorporate & Retail BankingCommercial BanksConsumer FinanceMortgage FinanceInsuranceInsuranceCapital MarketsAsset Management & Custody ActivitiesInvestment Banking & BrokerageSecurity & Commodity ExchangesSovereign Wealth FundPension FundInfrastructure, Energy Utilities & Real EstateWaste ManagementWaste ManagementInfrastructureEngineering & Construction ServicesUtilitiesElectric Utilities & Power GeneratorsCoal/Fuel/Gas PowerNuclear PowerWind PowerSolar PowerHydro PowerGas Utilities & DistributorsWater Utilities & ServicesReal EstateHomebuildersReal EstateReal Estate ServicesAgriculture, Food & BeveragesTobaccoTobaccoMeat ProductsFisheriesAquacultureLivestockBeverageAlcoholic BeveragesNon-Alcoholic BeveragesFood & Beverage RetailFood Retailers & DistributorsRestaurantsRestaurantsFoodAgricultural ProductsMeat & Poultry & DairyProcessed Foods Biome(s) FreshwaterRivers and streamsLakesArtificial wetlandsSubterranean freshwatersArtificial subterranean freshwatersVegetated wetlandsLandDeserts and semi-desertsPolar-alpineIntensive land-use systemsArtificial subterranean spacesTropical-subtropical forestsTemperate-boreal forests and woodlandsShrublands and shrubby woodlandsSavannas and grasslandsOceanArtificial marine systemsSubterranean tidalShoreline systemsMaritime vegetationCoastal inlets and lagoonsArtificial shorelinesMarine shelvesBrackish tidal systemsOpen ocean watersSubterranean cave and rock systemsDeep sea floors View as interactive sunburst graph Are you the tool owner and looking to make a correction or add additional information to this tool? 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