HomePublications Access the full library of publications including the TNFD Recommendations and Additional Guidance for corporates and financial institutions to support implementation Download the TNFD Recommendations and Additional Guidance publications Here are three key publications to help organisations get started. Our full Publications Library is listed below. Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Recommendations This document provides the final TNFD Recommendations. It includes a set of general requirements for nature-related disclosures and a set of recommended disclosures structured around the four pillars of governance, strategy, risk and…This download is available in the following languages: EnglishFrançais日本語中文PortuguêsEspañol Getting started with adoption of the TNFD Recommendations This document provides guidance on getting started with the TNFD Recommendations. It aims to help organisations get started with their adoption journey. It includes a set of suggested key steps for all organisations to consider when…This download is available in the following languages: EnglishFrançaisPortuguês中文Español Guidance on the identification and assessment of nature-related issues: the LEAP approach This document provides guidance on the integrated approach that TNFD has developed for the identification and assessment of nature-related issues, called the LEAP approach. It is designed for use by organisations of all sizes and…Download (English) TNFD Recommendations Executive Summary of the TNFD Recommendations This document provides a summary of the final TNFD Recommendations. Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Recommendations This document provides the final TNFD Recommendations. It includes a set of general requirements for nature-related disclosures and a set of recommended disclosures structured around the four pillars of governance, strategy, risk and… Additional Guidance Guidance on value chains This TNFD guidance provides additional support to organisations on identifying and assessing dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities in their upstream and downstream value chains. This includes when it is appropriate to seek… Glossary This document provides a comprehensive glossary of all concepts used in the TNFD recommendations and additional guidance, including disclosure metrics. This document is updated with new concepts and definitions when final… Getting started with adoption of the TNFD Recommendations This document provides guidance on getting started with the TNFD Recommendations. It aims to help organisations get started with their adoption journey. It includes a set of suggested key steps for all organisations to consider when… Guidance on scenario analysis This document provides guidance for organisations who choose to use scenario analysis to explore the possible consequences of nature loss and climate change, the ways in which governments, markets and society might respond, and the… Guidance on the identification and assessment of nature-related issues: the LEAP approach This document provides guidance on the integrated approach that TNFD has developed for the identification and assessment of nature-related issues, called the LEAP approach. It is designed for use by organisations of all sizes and… Guidance for corporates on science-based targets for nature Co-authored by the TNFD and the SBTN This document provides an overview of relevant SBTN guidance to set science-based targets for nature. It includes an overview of SBTN’s methods and 5-step approach to setting… Guidance on engagement with Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities and affected stakeholders Meaningful engagement with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities and affected stakeholders is a critical part of any organisation’s identification and assessment of nature-related issues. This document provides guidance for… Additional Guidance by sector Open for consultation – 4th April Draft sector guidance – Marine transportation and cruise lines This guidance is a draft for consultation with market participants and other interested stakeholders. The Taskforce welcomes feedback provided via the TNFD website by 4 April 2025. The Taskforce will review all feedback and will issue… Open for consultation – 4th April Draft sector guidance – Water utilities and services This guidance is a draft for consultation with market participants and other interested stakeholders. The Taskforce welcomes feedback provided via the TNFD website by 4 April 2025. The Taskforce will review all feedback and will issue… Open for consultation – 4th April Draft sector guidance – Fishing This guidance is a draft for consultation with market participants and other interested stakeholders. The Taskforce welcomes feedback provided via the TNFD website by 4 April 2025. The Taskforce will review all feedback and will issue… Additional sector guidance – Engineering, construction and real estate This additional sector guidance supplements the TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues— the LEAP approach — and should be read in conjunction with that guidance. This guidance was published as… Additional sector guidance – Construction materials This additional sector guidance supplements the TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues— the LEAP approach — and should be read in conjunction with that guidance. This guidance was published as… Additional sector guidance – Beverages This additional sector guidance supplements the TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues— the LEAP approach — and should be read in conjunction with that guidance. This guidance was published as… Additional sector guidance – Apparel, accessories & footwear This additional sector guidance supplements the TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues— the LEAP approach — and should be read in conjunction with that guidance. This guidance was published as… Additional sector guidance – Metals and mining This additional sector guidance supplements the TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues— the LEAP approach — and should be read in conjunction with that guidance. This guidance was published in draft form in… Additional sector guidance – Electric utilities and power generators This additional sector guidance supplements the TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues— the LEAP approach — and should be read in conjunction with that guidance. This guidance was published in draft form in… Additional guidance for financial institutions This document provides additional guidance for financial institutions to apply the TNFD recommendations and core disclosure metrics and indicators. Version 1.0 of this guidance was published in September 2023 alongside the… Additional sector guidance – Chemicals This additional sector guidance supplements the TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues— the LEAP approach — and should be read in conjunction with that guidance. This guidance was published in draft form in… Additional sector guidance – Oil and gas This additional sector guidance supplements the TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues— the LEAP approach — and should be read in conjunction with that guidance. This guidance was published in draft form in… Additional sector guidance – Forestry, pulp and paper This additional sector guidance supplements the TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues— the LEAP approach — and should be read in conjunction with that guidance. This guidance was published in draft form in… Additional sector guidance – Aquaculture This additional sector guidance supplements the TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues— the LEAP approach — and should be read in conjunction with that guidance. This guidance was published in draft form in… Additional sector guidance – Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals This additional sector guidance supplements the TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues— the LEAP approach — and should be read in conjunction with that guidance. This guidance was published in draft form in… Additional sector guidance – Food and agriculture This additional sector guidance supplements the TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues— the LEAP approach — and should be read in conjunction with that guidance. This guidance was published in draft form in… Additional Guidance by biome Guidance on biomes This document provides guidance to support identification, assessment and disclosure of nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities in specific types of ecosystem (biomes). It covers the following… Discussion papersA collection of discussion papers exploring key challenges, possibilities and innovations in nature-related assessment and reporting. Discussion paper on nature transition plans The mission of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) is to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, towards a 2050 vision of a world living in harmony with nature. Delivering the transition implied by this… A roadmap for upgrading market access to decision-useful nature-related data As nature-related risks increasingly impact financial markets and business decision-making, access to high-quality, timely and decision-useful data has become essential. The goal of the paper is to help empower corporates and financial… Discussion paper on biodiversity footprinting approaches for financial institutions This document is a discussion paper that presents an overview of the current landscape of biodiversity footprinting approaches, including their limitations and sets out six steps to help market participants select and disclose these… Discussion paper on conducting advanced scenario analysis This document is a discussion paper that outlines approaches to advanced scenario analysis. It builds on the TNFD’s foundational guidance on scenario analysis. It is primarily intended for experienced users of scenarios in financial… Discussion paper on proposed sector disclosure metrics This document provides draft core sector disclosure metrics for the following sectors: Consumer Goods, Food & beverage, Renewable resources & alternative energy Findings of a high-level scoping study exploring the case for a global nature-related public data facility This document is a paper that responds to questions from number of G20-member governments about how addressing nature-related data challenges could enable and accelerate the uptake of corporate reporting and target-setting by business… Discussion paper on proposed approach to value chains This document is a discussion paper on how organisations can approach the analysis of their upstream and downstream value chains. It includes discussion of when it is appropriate to seek full traceability, and where use of secondary… Additional Guidance by sector Open for consultation – 4th April Draft sector guidance – Marine transportation and cruise lines This guidance is a draft for consultation with market participants and other interested stakeholders. The Taskforce welcomes feedback provided via the TNFD website by 4 April 2025. The Taskforce will review all feedback and will issue… Open for consultation – 4th April Draft sector guidance – Water utilities and services This guidance is a draft for consultation with market participants and other interested stakeholders. The Taskforce welcomes feedback provided via the TNFD website by 4 April 2025. The Taskforce will review all feedback and will issue… Explore the Knowledge HubThe Knowledge Hub is a collection of knowledge and capacity building resources for organisations to enhance their understanding of evolving nature-related issues. Access the latest market insights, learning materials and register for the latest webinars and events. Explore the Knowledge Hub