
The TNFD recommendations and guidance have been shaped by existing corporate reporting standards and market guidance.

In turn, the development of our recommendations and additional guidance has contributed to the ongoing development of nature-related disclosure standards and will continue to do so as the global sustainability reporting landscape on nature-related issues continues to evolve.

Our multi-year collaborations with sustainability standards bodies and frameworks have resulted in a high level of alignment and consistency in the nature-related information recommended to be disclosed by corporates and financial institutions.

We have worked closely with standards bodies to harmonise concepts, definitions and approaches, ensuring that organisations can report on their nature-related issues in a consistent and comparable manner.

We continue to work closely with relevant standard setters and frameworks on nature-related corporate reporting, including CDP, EFRAG, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN).

Correspondence mapping

We have jointly developed ‘correspondence mappings’ with EFRAG and GRI, highlighting the high level of consistency achieved and supporting companies in their reporting. As a result of the extensive collaboration, much of the information recommended for disclosure by the TNFD is now included in reports produced under these standards. Consequently, we support the use of ‘TNFD cross-reference tables’ where it may be appropriate to do so.

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GRI-TNFD mapping

This mapping shows a high level of alignment, underscoring the opportunity for GRI’s 14,000 reporters globally to align with the TNFD recommendations. The interoperability table shows that all of the TNFD Recommendations are reflected in the GRI Standards, except those exclusively covering nature-related risk and opportunity identification and assessment.

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ESRS-TNFD mapping

This work provides practical support to report preparers and other stakeholders, helping them understand how to leverage TNFD when reporting on ESRS and vice versa. The detailed mapping shows that all 14 TNFD recommended disclosures are reflected in the ESRS. The ESRS also suggest using the TNFD LEAP approach to conduct materiality assessment of their nature-related topics of pollution, water, biodiversity and ecosystems and circular economy.

Orsted Example Correspondence Table

Use of cross reference tables

The TNFD has signalled its support for the use of cross-reference tables in corporate reporting to help simplify and streamline the presentation of TNFD-aligned recommended disclosures in existing voluntary or mandatory corporate reporting.

Cross-reference tables can be attached to an organisation’s reporting to show the alignment of sustainability disclosures, including data points, with the TNFD recommendations and metrics. The use of cross-reference tables can help to reduce report preparer costs, avoid duplicative reporting and make information easier and more efficient for report users to find, as long as there is no loss of quality in the disclosures being made consistent with the respective recommendations and standards.

  • TNFD correspondence tables

    In response to market calls for greater streamlining of corporate reporting, we support the use of ‘TNFD cross-reference tables’ where it may be appropriate to do so.

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