Guidance on the identification and assessment of nature-related issues: the LEAP approach

This document provides guidance on the integrated approach that TNFD has developed for the identification and assessment of nature-related issues, called the LEAP approach. It is designed for use by organisations of all sizes and across all sectors and geographies.

This approach aims to help organisations conduct the due diligence necessary to inform disclosure statements aligned with the TNFD recommendations, but it is also useful for other organisations looking to identify and assess their nature-related issues, regardless of their formal disclosure requirements.

This document provides detailed guidance on the four phases of the LEAP approach designed to be used by an assessment team in an organisation: Locate, Evaluate, Assess and Prepare.

Guidance to help you: 

  • Scope your assessment 
  • Locate your interface with nature 
  • Evaluate your dependencies and impacts on nature 
  • Assess your nature-related risks and opportunities 
  • Prepare to respond to nature-related risks and opportunities and to report on your material nature-related issues.  

Annexes cover: 

  • TNFD suggested assessment metrics 
  • State of nature measurement 
  • Valuation of dependencies and impacts 
  • Risk assessment methods 
  • Links between targets in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and areas for taggets under TNFD 

Key outcomes

  • An understanding of how to identify and assess nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities
  • Ready to disclose in line with the TNFD recommendations.