
The Emerging Regulatory Agenda – Improving Transparency of Nature-related Risks in Africa

Read the report (The Emerging Regulatory Agenda – Improving Transparency of Nature-related Risks in Africa)

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About this Report

(African Natural Capital Alliance, July 2023)

Degradation of our natural ecosystems poses a significant risk to our financial and economic stability. A significant portion of our global economic product relies on nature and natural systems. As human activity and climate change continue to deplete these systems, we need to create a regulatory agenda to better manage nature-related risks and the harms they can create. This paper offers up next steps for this regulatory agenda, specifically in the context of Africa, illustrating the urgency to do so for African economies, why transparency should be an important component of any regulatory agenda, and what African regulators can do to support stable nature-positive economies.

Read it here.

Read the report (The Emerging Regulatory Agenda – Improving Transparency of Nature-related Risks in Africa)

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