Home » Resource Database Report Sovereign Climate and Nature ReportingRead the report (Sovereign Climate and Nature Reporting)(This link will take you to an external website) About this Report World Bank (January 2022) Proposal for a Risks and Opportunities Disclosure Framework The Paris Agreement states that addressing climate change will require “making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate resilient development.” Policy makers, scientists, and investors recognize that the global economy must evolve to a more sustainable model that reduces its impact on the Earth, adapts to the changes already locked in, and contributes to carbon sequestration, as well as restoring and reconnecting degraded and fragmented ecosystems. To be successful, global financial flows must align with these broad objectives. More specifically, trillions of dollars of financing is needed to achieve the climate change mitigation and adaptation goals laid out in Articles 2.1.a and 2.1.b of the Paris Agreement, as well as the emerging targets of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (UNEP-CBD). Investors will play an important role in driving this alignment through the tools of capital allocation and engagement. Sustainability reporting can play a central role in driving capital to sustainable investments and away from environmentally harmful ones.’ Read the report (Sovereign Climate and Nature Reporting)(This link will take you to an external website) Related publications Draft sector guidance – Oil and gas