Home » Resource DatabaseNGFS Occasional PapersThe Green Scorpion : The Macro-Criticality of Nature for Finance NGFS | December 2023 This technical report aims to build upon the work of Central Banks and supervisors, financialinstitutions, the NGFS and the Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) to date onnature-related financial risks. It learns from the approaches of NGFS on climate scenarios to set outa preliminary framework for the assessment of risks and the generation of nature-related scenariosfor financial risk assessment. This report responds to a specific set of questions defined by the NGFS Task force Nature:1. What can be learnt from the literature and existing work on climate and nature scenarios that couldform a basis for integrated climate-nature scenarios for Central Banks? (Section 2)2. What would a typology of climate-nature shocks look like? (Section 3)3. Can we develop a simple data-driven approach to screen key potential nature-climate shocks tohelp prioritise which should be considered by a country, according to different countries’characteristics? (Sections 4 and 5) Download the full report here This platform can support you with the following phases of the LEAP process: Evaluate priority dependencies and impactsAssess material risks and opportunities This platform aligns to the following disclosures: Risk & Impact Management This resource is relevant for the following sectors: Resource Transformation & Industrial ProcessesConsulting, Business, & Environmental ServicesTechnology, Communications & ITTransportationConsumer GoodsEnergy Extractives, Mining & Minerals ProcessingFinancial institutions, service providers and Investment managersAgriculture, Food & BeveragesHealth Care & Medical technologyInfrastructure, Energy Utilities & Real EstateRenewable & Alternative Energy Development This resource is relevant for the following biomes: LandFreshwaterOcean