Home » Resource Database LEAP Use Case Assessing ecologically sensitive locations in a food retailer and distributor’s palm oil supply chain: Reflections from piloting TNFD’s LEAP approach Authoring Organisation Nature-based Insights, Tesco and Global Canopy Publish Date 2023 Geography Indonesia United Kingdom Visit website (Assessing ecologically sensitive locations in a food retailer and distributor’s palm oil supply chain: Reflections from piloting TNFD’s LEAP approach)(This link will take you to an external website) About this LEAP Use CaseTesco’s LEAP use case outlines the methods and process for mapping its palm oil supply chain in Indonesia and identifying sensitive locations for further analysis. It illustrates volumetric analysis to estimate procurement volumes and biodiversity footprint of sourcing districts. Key outcomesAnalysis of mill lists and procurement volumes of seven Tesco palm suppliers allowed identification of sourcing volumes associated with120 Indonesian districts. Areas managed by smallholders, which lack certification and where people’s dependence on nature is high, were identified as priorities for further engagement. In the context of incoming EU Deforestation-Free Regulation, mapping supply chains is important both for meeting deforestation-free requirements and to put measures in place to prevent exclusion of smallholders in the supply chain.Visit website (Assessing ecologically sensitive locations in a food retailer and distributor’s palm oil supply chain: Reflections from piloting TNFD’s LEAP approach)(This link will take you to an external website) Related resources Assessing nature-related risks and opportunities: case studies from Global Canopy’s 2023 TNFD piloting programme TNFD’s Knowledge Partner Global Canopy published a series of case studies showing how six organisations identified and assessed their nature-related issues using the TNFD LEAP Approach. During this pilot test programme supported, AECOM, Grupo SURA, IndusInd... Nature risk screening for infrastructure projects across Asia: Reflections from piloting TNFD’s LEAP approach Nature-based Insights, AECOM and Global Canopy | 2023Location: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines (the) +4 moreLEAP Use Case This use case by AECOM, a multinational infrastructure consulting firm, explores the piloting of the TNFD’s LEAP approach across a portfolio of infrastructure projects in Asia. Introducing the TNFD LEAP approach to assessment TNFD – L4 sensitive locations Related publications Additional sector guidance – Food and agriculture Discussion paper on proposed approach to value chains Draft sector guidance – Food and agriculture Guidance on value chains Guidance on the identification and assessment of nature-related issues: the LEAP approach Related webinars TNFD 101: Assessing nature-related issues – Introduction to the TNFD LEAP Approach August 19, 2024 (Updated: August 19, 2024) This webinar provided guidance on the integrated approach that TNFD has developed for the identification and assessment of nature-related issues, called the LEAP approach. This approach aims to help organisations conduct the... What spatial data innovations are being developed and how can they help nature-related financial disclosure? May 20, 2022 (Updated: December 17, 2024) This webinar discusses a range of innovations and projects on how geospatial data on nature can influence financial decision making. It offers a comprehensive overview of the importance of ecosystem service data to policy and financial... The LEAP Approach – Locate + Evaluate September 26, 2022 (Updated: September 15, 2023) This webinar discusses the first two sections of the LEAP Approach, Locate and Evaluate. It includes a comprehensive overview of scoping, prioritizing locations, and using available data sets to understand the state of nature and...