LEAP Use Case

Assessing ecologically sensitive locations in a food retailer and distributor’s palm oil supply chain: Reflections from piloting TNFD’s LEAP approach

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About this LEAP Use Case

Tesco’s LEAP use case outlines the methods and process for mapping its palm oil supply chain in Indonesia and identifying sensitive locations for further analysis. It illustrates volumetric analysis to estimate procurement volumes and biodiversity footprint of sourcing districts. 

Key outcomes

  • Analysis of mill lists and procurement volumes of seven Tesco palm suppliers allowed identification of sourcing volumes associated with120 Indonesian districts.
  • Areas managed by smallholders, which lack certification and where people’s dependence on nature is high, were identified as priorities for further engagement.
  • In the context of incoming EU Deforestation-Free Regulation, mapping supply chains is important both for meeting deforestation-free requirements and to put measures in place to prevent exclusion of smallholders in the supply chain.
Visit website (Assessing ecologically sensitive locations in a food retailer and distributor’s palm oil supply chain: Reflections from piloting TNFD’s LEAP approach)

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