Home » Resource Database Insight 50% of the global economy is under threat from biodiversity lossRead the insight (50% of the global economy is under threat from biodiversity loss)(This link will take you to an external website) About this Insight (World Economic Forum, February 2023) An insight exploring the most up-to-date figures on the threat to the global economy from biodiversity loss, including the fact that more than a million species are now threatened with extinction, and as much as 40% of the Earth’s land surfaces are now considered degraded. The insight also looks at the five key transformations that can help conserve the natural world whilst also boosting GDP. Read the insight (50% of the global economy is under threat from biodiversity loss)(This link will take you to an external website) Related resources Central banking and supervision in the biosphere: An agenda for action on biodiversity loss, financial risk and system stability NGFS-INSPIRE Study Group on Biodiversity and Financial Stability (March 2022) This is the final report from the Joint NGFS-INSPIRE Study Group on Biodiversity and Financial Stability, which was established to help central banks and financial supervisors fulfil their mandates of... Mitigating biodiversity loss demands corporate accountability GRI (May 2022) An introduction to, and the reason for, the review and update of GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016, the Global Reporting Initiative’s standard on biodiversity to reflect global best practise for biodiversity reporting. The article also highlights the importance of... Moody’s Has a $1.9 trillion warning over biodiversity Bloomberg UK (September 2022) Moody’s Investor Service has announced that almost $1.9 trillion is at risk as biodiversity loss escalates nature-related risks. It shows that nine sectors contribute to this $1.9 trillion which have high or very high exposure to natural capital, a... NatureMetrics Raises Funding with Environmental DNA Tech BloombergNEF | October 2024Location: Global, United KingdomCase Study This case study examines the nature-related opportunity harnessed by NatureMetrics, a UK company that helps organisations conduct biodiversity surveys without disturbing habitats. It analyses environmental DNA samples, which show the distribution and abundance of species in the area being surveyed.... Related webinars Nature-related risk in practice: what are the key considerations for financial institutions? April 27, 2023 (Updated: September 18, 2023) This webinar discusses the practical aspects of understanding and evaluating nature-related risks for financial institutions. It covers the importance of considering the climate-nature nexus and deep dives into then-recent case studies...