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Nature for Growth: Unleashing the power of the bioeconomy by 2030 (at the World Biodiversity Summit)

October 26 @ 9:20 am - 10:05 am UTC-5

TNFD will join the opening session at the World Biodiversity Summit to formally launch the blueprint of the Nature Data Public Facility. For more information, please see the World Biodiversity Summit webpage. 

Venue: World Biodiversity SummitMUSEO – Museo La Tertulia, alongside UNCBD COP16  

Date: 26 October  

Time: 9:20 – 10:05 COT 

Please complete this form if you are interested in attending any TNFD-hosted events. Please note that your attendance is not confirmed until you receive an official invitation from the TNFD Secretariat and formally register. We appreciate your patience as we coordinate and confirm our full COP16 agenda.