Home » NewsTNFD launches Nature-related Data Catalyst Date Posted 13th July 2022 The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) announces launch of Nature-related Data Catalyst. The launch of the Nature-related Data Catalyst responds to the need of market participants for more high-quality, trusted decision useful information and data on nature-related risks and opportunities. The Nature-related Data Catalyst will bring together a range of actors from across the nature-related data landscape to respond to the data challenges and gaps identified in the TNFD’s Data Landscape Discussion Paper released in March 2022 as part of the v0.1 beta release of the TNFD Framework. Through a series of workshops, participants in the Data Catalyst will identify shortcomings in current nature-related data and analytics, and recommend ways to accelerate the development of, and access to, nature-related data, analytics and tools. The overall aim is to improve the ease, speed, and scale of adoption of the TNFD framework, once the Taskforce launches their final recommendations in September 2023. The TNFD calls on existing providers of sustainability data, analytics, and workflow tools to apply to join the Data Catalyst. By joining the Catalyst, participants will improve their internal understanding of the beta framework being developed by TNFD, their current and potential contributions to the nature-related data required to apply the framework, while supporting TNFD in ensuring its framework for nature-related risk and opportunity assessment and disclosure is practical for market participants to implement. Full criteria of who can join the Data Catalyst, how to join, and more details on expected outputs can be found here. The TNFD’s discussion paper on data was published alongside the first iteration of TNFD’s beta framework in March 2022. Last month, the TNFD issued the second version of its beta framework, building upon the first version and over 500 pieces of feedback. TNFD will release its final recommendations in September 2023 and will release two more versions of the beta framework in November 2022 (v0.4) and February 2023 (v0.4).